The process is crazy-easy. Shred whatever veggies you're going to use and "massage" them with salt to get the juices flowing. Then, pack down in your container until the brine covers the veggies. Put it on your counter. Wait. Wait some more. Taste. Wait a little longer. Viola! You've got kraut.
Ok, there's slightly more to it than that. I've got instructions if you're interested.
Bill and I did 3 different projects: Regular sauerkraut, hot sauerkraut and gingered carrots. At the first tasting after 3 days, everything was definitely still too salty but I was starting to get the flavor. The longer we can wait to eat it, the more lactobacilli will have formed (ie, the good stuff) and the more "kraut-like" it will taste.
Next, I'm going to take a shot at kimchi, which I actually DO like!

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